Schon mal aufgefallen? Neben solchen Phrasen wie "I love you forever and ever" tauchen in Liedtexten auch immer wieder gern bestimmte Wortkombinationen auf. Zum Beispiel "Sid and Nancy":
1. Ramones - Love kills
Sid and Nancy meant a lot to me
You may be dead but your souls are free
Like Romeo and Juliet
You two made a pact of death
Like the needle that ya used
Sid and Nancy were born to lose
Love kills Love kills Love kills"
2. Crazy Town - Butterfly
"The smartest thing you ever did
was take a chance with me
Whatever tickles your fancy
Girl it’s me and you like
Sid and NancySo sexy, almost evil
Talkin’ about butterflies in my head"
3. New Young Pony Club - Ice Cream
"I can give you what u want.
i can make your back real taunt
Fantastic flavor fancies
- Sick like
Sid and Nancy -
Wicked as a joyride jaunt."